Its Duties and Authorities are:
To organize and manage the administrative, internal, and editorial tasks of the chamber.
To organize the documents to be given by the chamber and to ensure the collection of the information essential for the organization of these documents,
To prepare the agenda of the department meetings, to ensure that the meeting invitations and the agenda are sent to the members in time, to organize the minutes of these meetings, to keep the summaries of the decisions, to keep the schedule and attendance schedules related to the department meetings and to keep summaries of decisions and records made with electronic devices for meetings,
To participate in parliamentary and board meetings, provided that no vote is taken,
To follow and finalize the decisions taken by departments and to ensure that decisions are fulfilled in due time,
To propose to the board for the recruitment, promotion, rewarding, punishment and termination of the chamber personnel,
To supervise the chamber staff and to give the necessary orders and instructions to the staff,
To present the expenses made ex officio to the approval of the board of directors and to inform the board about weekly expenses,
To present the monthly balance and transfer requests prepared by the Accounting Manager, the preparation budget, the income statement, the final balance and the final account to the board of directors,
To arrange and keep records of fixed assets and goods, to preserve archive materials,
To manage publication jobs,
To prepare the draft of the chamber internal directive and to present it to the board of directors,
To make necessary arrangements for the preparation of the annual report related with the annual activities of the chamber and the economic and industrial situation of the zone to be prepared by the board for submission to the parliament,
To carry out transactions about keeping, updating and deleting member records within the framework of legislation and relevant department decisions,
Using the authorities transferred by the board of directors,
To perform the duties to be given by parliament, the board of directors or the chairman of the board of directors within the framework of legislation and other duties given by this regulation and other legislation.
General Secretary shall be authorized to sign matters relating to the execution of decisions taken by chamber departments in correspondence with official authorities or real or legal persons, who are not obliged to the chamber.
General Secretary is the discipline and registry authority of the chamber personnel.
It follows the strategic plan and employee performance effectively.
The General Secretary may transfer a portion of the duties and powers, including expenditure authority, to the assistant / proxy unit to be resolved at the first month of each financial year, as determined by the board of directors.
In the absence of the general secretary, one of the deputies, in the absence of the deputies one of the department managers shall serve as general secretary with the approval of the chairman of the board of directors.
If, for any reason, the general secretary position is vacated, the assistant general secretary shall be appointed by the decision of the board of directors or one of the staff of the chamber having the qualifications to carry out this duty shall be appointed. However, the term of the proxy cannot exceed six months.
In branches, the duties of the general secretary are fulfilled by the branch manager who is appointed by the board of directors on the basis of the proposal of the branch management board. The branch manager has the authority that the general secretary has in the execution of these duties.
To coordinate politic issues and to follow up statistically the lobbying activities under the strategic activities within the monthly activity report presentation.